Suspend and Withdrawal Certification

1. Suspended Certificate

Suspended certification is part of a certification process where the process occurs due to several factors.

The factors causing the suspension of certificates include:

  1. Does not carry out Surveillance Audit 1 or Surveillance Audit 2 every year.
  2. If the Corrective Action Request (CAR) is not completed within the specified time limit. SSM Cert provides written information to the client 1 week before the due date to immediately complete the Corrective and Preventive Action (CPA). If the Corrective and Preventive Action (CPA) is not followed up within the specified time limit, the SSM Cert will carry out the freezing process.
  3. If the client misuses the SSM Cert certificate or Logo, the SSM Cert submits a recommendation to the Ethics Committee to suspend or revoke the certification. Then the ethics committee informs SSM Cert about the decision to Freeze or Revoke the certificate and then SSM Cert sends a SUSPEND or WITHDRAWN letter to the Client. If the client is not willing to be audited for surveillance within the specified period, then SSM Cert has the right to send a letter of suspension to the client.
  4. If the client has not completed the administration for Initial, surveillance and Re-Certification fees and has not made an official confirmation to the SSM Cert by the specified time limit, SSM Cert will send the first warning letter, namely a certificate suspension letter starting H+1 from the previously agreed surveillance date.

Suspended Period of the Certificate is 30 days after the certificate is declared SUSPENDED.

2. Withdrawn Certificate

The Withdrawn of certification is a continuation of the results of the suspension of certification, where the procedure is carried out if the certified company does not follow up on the results of the SUSPEND after the suspension period ends. The withdrawn period is carried out 10 days after the SUSPEND period ends.
If the company has withdrawn the certification then all things related to SSM Cert are not allowed to continue to be used by the company.

The grounds for revoking certification status include:

  1. Activities for corrective action on non-conformities that have been taken by the company are inadequate in case of suspension of Certification;
  2. The company has not completed the payment in accordance with the time specified by SSM Cert;
  3. Based on short notice, audit results found negative recommendations or complaints and/or changes.
  4. Withdrawn of Certificate in the condition of Surveillance is not carried out.